The subject of electric vehicles has been discussed in detail in our summit, which was the first summit related to electric vehicles in Turkey on 1 December 2016 at ITU Ayazaga Campus made by the ITU Electrical Engineering Society, also this summit contains the prominent of the industry as a speaker. The studies and future expectations about electric cars in Turkey, and the other countries are presented to participants in the EAZ.
At the EAZ, authorities of the leading companies in the industry bring together those who are considering investments in this field, academicians, and university students who are candidate engineers on the same platform.
We can order the main purposes of our summit as follows:
● To construct awareness about electric and hybrid vehicle technologies,
● To create an opportunity to compare the situation in our country and other countries on the topic of electric vehicles,
● To examine the latest situations in the industry, from an academic and sectoral perspective,
● Bringing academicians, investors, students, bureaucrats, and company officials together,
● To increase communication within the sector,
● To stand out to the issue of efficient usage of energy resources.